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Books and Articles
Agnew, Robert. (1985). A revised strain theory of delinquency. Social forces. 64(1), 151-167.

Agnew, Robert. (1992). Foundation for a general strain theory of crime and delinquency. Criminology. 30(1), 47-87.

Agnew, Robert. (1994). Delinquency and the desire for money. Justice quarterly. 11(4), 411-427.

Agnew, Robert. (1995a). Controlling delinquency: recommendations from general strain theory. In Barlow, Hugh D. (ed.). Crime and public policy: putting theory to work. (pp. 43-70). Boulder: Westview.

Agnew, Robert. (1995b). Testing the leading crime theories: an alternative strategy focusing on motivational processes. Journal of research in crime and delinquency. 32(4), 363-398.

Agnew, Robert. (1997a). The nature and determinants of strain: another look at Durkheim and Merton. In Agnew, Robert and Nikos Passas (eds.). The future of anomie theory. (pp. 27-51). Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Agnew, Robert. (forthcoming). An overview of general strain theory. In Poternaster Raymond (ed.). Essays in criminological theories. LA:Roxbury.

Agnew, Robert and Lisa Broidy. (1997). Gender and crime: a general strain theory perspective. Journal of research in crime and delinquency. 34(3), 275-306.

Agnew, Robert, Francis Cullen, Velmer Burton, T. David Evans, and B. Gregory Dunaway. (1996). A new test of classic strain theory. Justice quarterly. 13(4), 681-704.

Agnew, Robert, and Nikos Passas. (1997). Introduction. In Agnew, Robert and Nikos Passas (eds.). The future of anomie. (pp. 1-26). Boston: Northeastern University Press.

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